Sunday, December 13, 2009

Photos and Progress

Macranthera flammea by Rob Nykvist

Since our August 29 meeting with the chapter authors we've been working quietly, but we'll try to keep this blog more frequently updated.

The co-editors met in Auburn on Dec. 11 and 12 to review hundreds of 35mm Kodachromes by George Folkerts, selecting many for probable inclusion in the book.

The University of Alabama Library's Hoole Collection has scanned and posted many of Roland Harper's images here, but they are not searchable or indexed. Let's hope they are working on that; otherwise it's not a very useful resource. You can view them by clicking each image's hyperlink, but you can't tell what you'll be seeing until it opens. Many are of people, structures, etc., and none seem to be dated, and location data is lacking. Eric and Mark have looked at the actual images at the library, and the information is for the most part all there, so that won't be a problem for the Harper images we end up using.

We will be meeting again in Auburn with the lead chapter authors on February 6. Our deadline for completion of chapters is August 31 2010, just over 9 months away.

If you have photos you'd like to submit for consideration, you can send them to Mark at Above is a Macranthera flammea image sent in by Rob Nykvist.